LOVE YOUR TUMMYLOVE YOUR TUMMYHere’s a quick guide to keeping your gut in tip top condition.// YOUR TUMMYLOVE YOUR TUMMY800800
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image hero image: love your tummy

Ready for a biology lesson? Okay, we promise to keep it quick. Your digestive system (all nine meters of it) breaks food down into nutrients which we then use for energy, growth and cell repair. As you can imagine, it’s important we take good care of it - so that it can take good care of us.

Here’s a quick guide to keeping your gut in tip top condition.

  • Avoid stress.

Easier said than done, we know, but stress can play a factor in a wide range of internal issues including heartburn, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. So check out our article on relaxation and de-stressing or try your favourite form of meditation.

  • Adopt a fiber-rich diet.

You know the saying; a bit of roughage to keep you regular. So eat plenty of whole grains, vegetables and fruits to keep things moving.

  • Stay regular. 

Eating at regular intervals will help regulate your system. It may also help you avoid overeating and contribute to your internal wellbeing.

  • Exercise daily.

You know it makes sense. It also helps you maintain a healthy 

Walk Away From An Upset Stomach

Yoga practice is much broader than yoga poses alone. Whenever you can take a moment to turn your attention inward is an opportunity to slow down, soften and tune in, so when you’re walking is a perfect opportunity. 

Walking meditation is a great way to incorporate meditation into your day. You can do this on your way home from work, on the train, or even on the way to the conference room. 

As you walk, focus on your breath. Watch your inhales and exhales as they come and go. Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you walk. Start to lengthen and deepen your inhales and exhales as you go, leaving a little pause at the top and bottom of each inhale and exhale. Make this a daily exercise to cement the habit, and enjoy the benefits!